drug control human rights drug policy
International guidelines on human rights and drug policy

Sustainable, rights-based action on drug control requires shared standards from which to begin. Yet there remains a lack of clarity as to what human rights law requires of States in the context of drug control law, policy, and practice. The International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy are the result of a three-year consultative process to address this gap.

The Guidelines highlight the measures States should undertake or refrain from undertaking in order to comply with their human rights obligations, while taking into account their concurrent obligations under the international drug control conventions: the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (as amended); the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances; and the 1988 United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.3 Critically, they do not invent new rights. They apply existing human rights law to the legal and policy context of drug control in order to maximise human rights protections, including in the interpretation and implementation of the drug control conventions.

The Guidelines are not a ‘toolkit’ for a model drug policy. Rather, they respect the diversity of States and their legitimate prerogative to determine their national policies in line with applicable human rights law. States always retain the freedom to apply more favourable human rights protections than those provided for under international law. The Guidelines are therefore a reference tool for those working to ensure human rights compliance at local, national, and international levels, be they parliamentarians, diplomats, judges, policy makers, civil society organisations, or affected communities.

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Stefan Toepler
Ulla Pape
Vladimir Benevolenski
government-nonprofit relationships subnational comparative analysis Russia federalism NGOs authoritarianism civil society
Subnational Variations in Government-Nonprofit Relations: A Comparative Analysis of Regional Differences within Russia

This article discusses the evolution of government-nonprofit relations at the regional level in Russia against the background of national-level restrictions on NGOs. Russia recently also introduced supportive policies and the article aims to trace the regional administrations’ reactions to the dual realities of the federal government’s posture towards nonprofits. Considerable variation was found in regional government-nonprofit relationships as well as deviation from national policy stances. Using a subnational comparative framework, this article addresses a gap in the literature and lays the groundwork for future cross-national comparisons of subnational variations of government-nonprofit relations in other authoritarian and hybrid political regimes. This article discusses the evolution of government-nonprofit relations at the regional level in Russia against the background of national-level restrictions on NGOs. Russia recently also introduced supportive policies and the article aims to trace the regional administrations’ reactions to the dual realities of the federal government’s posture towards nonprofits. Considerable variation was found in regional government-nonprofit relationships as well as deviation from national policy stances. Using a subnational comparative framework, this article addresses a gap in the literature and lays the groundwork for future cross-national comparisons of subnational variations of government-nonprofit relations in other authoritarian and hybrid political regimes.

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Министерство здравоохранения Республики Казахстан
HIV/AIDS infectious diseases
Национальный доклад о достигнутом прогрессе в осуществлении глобальных мер в ответ на СПИД Отчетный период: 2017 год

Прекращение эпидемии СПИДа к 2030 году - одна из задач в списке целей устойчивого развития (ЦУР), которая была единогласно принята странами-членами ООН. Полученный опыт в решении проблем ВИЧ-инфекции будет играть определяющую роль в успешном достижении многих ЦУР, в частности, ЦУР 3 («Хорошее здоровье и благополучие»), а также целей касательно вопросов гендерного равенства и расширения прав и возможностей женщин, устранения неравенства между полами, глобального сотрудничества, а также установления принципов справедливости, мира и равноправия в обществе.

Представители от Республики Казахстан приняли активное участие в Совещании высокого уровня Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН по вопросам борьбы со СПИД, которое прошло в Нью-Йорке 8-10 июня 2016 года. Благодаря консолидированной позиции международного сообщества, на совещании высокого уровня, была одобрена Политическая декларация по ВИЧ/СПИДу: ускоренными темпами к активизации борьбы с ВИЧ и прекращению эпидемии СПИДа к 2030 году. Декларация была принята всеми странами-членами ООН, включая Республику Казахстан.

Для достижения целей политической декларации, Объединенная Программа ООН по ВИЧ/СПИД (ЮНЭЙДС) разработала глобальную стратегию «Ускорение: прекращение эпидемии СПИДа к 2030 году», включая достижение целей 909090 к 2020 году.

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Kate Dolan
Effat Khoei
Cinzia Brentari
Alex Stevens
Prisons and Drugs: A global review of incarceration, drug use and drug services

Prisons play an important role in drug policy. They are used to punish people who break drug laws and they also hold a large number of people who have experience of drug use and drug problems. They therefore have an important part to play in attempts to reduce the harm caused by drugs. Imprisonment itself can be seen as one type of harm, as it causes problems for prisoners and their families and creates a large fi nancial burden for taxpayers. These harms and costs are diffi cult to calculate, but there is little evidence that large scale imprisonment of drug offenders has had the desired results in deterring drug use or reducing drug problems (Bewley- Taylor, Trace, & Stevens, 2005).

In this paper, we examine the international prevalence of drug users, drug use and related problems in prisons and we report on the problems that are related to the issue of drugs in prison. We go on to examine the international guidelines and effective responses that have been developed in this area in the last decade. The paper is a review of the literature, based on a search of bibliographic databases including Medline, PubMed, ISI as well as EMBASE and contacts with researchers and practitioners in the fi eld up to January 2007.

We hope that this paper provides an accessible guide to policymakers and service designers who are considering the appropriate responses, or evaluating and refi ning existing responses, to drug use in prisons in their own country.

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